This term we have been learning about the Internet, social effects, misuse of the Internet, patent acts, data protection, computer crime, piracy and social media. In this blog I will be elaborating on these listed subjects and explained in detail what there all about.

A vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide. The Internet includes commercial, educational, governmental, and other networks, all of which use the same set of communications protocols.
Right now you are viewing everything through the internet, without it you could not search through this exciting blog. 
    The Importance: 
  The Internet now spans the world, connecting billions of people in their everyday lives. The Internet provides information, emails and instant bank access and much more. The Internet is important because it provides so much to increase efficiency in lives of the public.

Social Effects-
Web sites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts: Many businesses are utilizing social media to generate sales.
     Example: Some of the social effects that has occurred because of the internet is less and less human contact. There are online dating sites, Facebook, tweeter, hotmail and many more.
     The Importance:
Something that could be important is the ease that we have now to talk to people. Before we either had to talk face to face or call them but now you can just type to them over the Internet.

Computer Misuse Act-
Prior to 1990, there was no legislation in place to tackle the problems caused by hacking. As the problem grew, it became apparent that specific legislation was needed to enable hackers to be prosecuted under the law. So, in 1990, the Computer Misuse Act was passed.

The Computer Misuse Act (1990) recognised three new offences:
  1. Unauthorised access to computer material
  2. Unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate a crime
  3. Unauthorised modification of computer material.

Writing a code/virus for the intention of harming someone is a crime under the computer misuse act.
     The Importance:
The computer misuse act is very important to get the criminals in trouble for any inconvenience they have made. Without it many people could be hacked and many files and important information could be lost or stolen.

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