The Internet & Social Media

This term we have been learning about the Internet, social effects, misuse of the Internet, patent acts, data protection, computer crime, piracy and social media. In this blog I will be elaborating on these listed subjects and explained in detail what there all about.

A vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide. The Internet includes commercial, educational, governmental, and other networks, all of which use the same set of communications protocols.
Right now you are viewing everything through the internet, without it you could not search through this exciting blog. 
    The Importance: 
The Internet now spans the world, connecting billions of people in their everyday lives. The Internet provides information, emails and instant bank access and much more. The Internet is important because it provides so much to increase efficiency in lives of the public.

Social Effects-
It is the effect that the internet/ social media's has on our lives (Facebook, tweeter, hotmail and many more).
Some of the social effects that has occurred because of the internet is less and less human contact. There are online dating sites, Facebook, tweeter, hotmail and many more.
     The Importance:
Something that could be important is the ease that we have now to talk to people. Before we either had to talk face to face or call them but now you can just type to them over the Internet. 

Computer Misuse Act-
Prior to 1990, there was no legislation in place to tackle the problems caused by hacking. As the problem grew, it became apparent that specific legislation was needed to enable hackers to be prosecuted under the law. So, in 1990, the Computer Misuse Act was passed.

The Computer Misuse Act (1990) recognised three new offences:
  1. Unauthorised access to computer material
  2. Unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate a crime
  3. Unauthorised modification of computer material.

Writing a code/virus for the intention of harming someone is a crime under the computer misuse act.
     The Importance:
The computer misuse act is very important to get the criminals in trouble for any inconvenience they have made. Without it many people could be hacked and many files and important information could be lost or stolen.

Copyright Patent Act- 
There is such a law, it is called the 'Copyright, Designs and Patents Act' and it was passed in 1988. This Act was introduced to protect the investment of time, money and effort by the people who create original pieces of work.
1) You have spent three months working on your coursework. It is absolutely brilliant, even if you do say so yourself, you just know that it is worth that A* grade. How would you feel if you found out someone in your class had secretly copied your work when you went out of the room for five minutes and then handed it in as their own? I bet you would feel pretty miffed, to put it mildly.

2) How about that song that you spent last week writing? You are sure it is great chart material and is going to get you that break into the music industry. You record a demo of it and send it to a record company, but you don't hear anything from them. How does it make you feel when you see the latest boy band performing your song on Top of the Pops, and you haven't been paid a single penny for it?

     The Importance:
It is extremely important to have a copyright patent act enforced because when somebody steels you hard work and using it for there own gain is wrong and deserves to be punished.  

Data Protection Act-
The Data Protection Act (1998) is a pretty important piece of legislation that was put in place to protect data that is stored online. Many organisations store large amounts of personal information about people on their computer systems. This may be data on customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, etc.               
The data protection act makes companies ask if they can use your information and what it will be used for.
     The Importance:
I think it's important because without it people could gain access to personal information that has been placed online for storage or any other reason. 

Computer Crime-
The growth of the Internet has provided criminals with a whole host of different methods to try to relieve you of your hard earned cash. Computer crime is defined as 'criminal activity directly related to the use of computers'.

It could be done in order to:
  • steal money
  • steal data or information
  • steal someone's identity
  • damage or disrupt someone's system for revenge
  • cause general havoc for fun
  • copy software / films / music to avoid paying for it.

If somebody gains access to your details, they could steal your money and/ or purchase products with your money.
     The Importance:
This act is very important to me a lot of other people that buy on line, the last thing you would want after buying a product is somebody taking all of your money.

Copying software, music or film DVDs is called 'software piracy'. Making illegal copies of software is called 'Software Piracy'.
You created a phenomenal movie that would make millions. Somehow somebody copied and downloaded it to the Internet for the whole world to watch for free. Because everyone could watch it for free they did not pay you so you barely made a penny.
     The Importance:
As tempting as pirating and copying is, if society keeps it up, the businesses will not get enough profit to make more products so everything will collapse. That is why these laws are put in place, to try and prevent piracy.

Social Media-

Web sites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts: Many businesses are utilizing social media to generate sales.
Social media like facebook, twitter and tumblr are mainly use for interaction with other people and building relationships.
     The Importance:
I believe social media is a huge part of the internet, it is mainly used for browsing through events and talking to friends. It is not really important to have but it is very useful to be able to have

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